Becoming A Confident Mom
I’ve been doing a lot of research on motherhood challenges and I have learned so much! I’ve learned that every stage has a challenge but most of them come down to insecurity. I believe this starts at pregnancy and that working on confidence building before becoming moms is extremely important. During pregnancy, we realize our […]
Six Steps To A Positive Mommy Mindset
I was in a mommy cafe and met another mom with a little 3-year-old girl that still breastfed. The mom seemed stressed that I would judge her and explained to me why she was still breastfeeding. I told her that every mom knows what is best for her child. She was relieved when I said […]
Mindful Mommy Moments

It’s 5 am and I just finished feeding my baby girl Maya. She is sleeping peacefully on my shoulder. I can’t help but think how I want her to be safe, happy and not have to grow up insecure like I did. I realize this won’t happen unless I am fulfilled and can provide her […]
Positive Pregnancy Power

Being pregnant is a scary thing whether you planned it or not. That is why I believe it’s super important to try to be as positive as you can. I am 27 weeks pregnant at the moment of this blog post and I have to say it has been an interesting journey. It all started […]
An Open Letter To My Unborn Daughter
Dear Peanut, (it’s the name we used before you received your official name). I wanted to write this letter so you know how much your dad and I want the best for you. We have been researching so much on alternative educational systems and working hard to understand the best way to raise you. You […]
The True Power Of Positive Thinking

This morning I woke up next to my wonderful husband, with the sun on my face, while listening to birds singing. Then we heard a big car horn that woke us all up including our dog that was chilling at the bottom of the bed. We could have let this car horn ruin the beginning […]