Mindful Mommy Moments

It’s 5 am and I just finished feeding my baby girl Maya. She is sleeping peacefully on my shoulder. I can’t help but think how I want her to be safe, happy and not have to grow up insecure like I did. I realize this won’t happen unless I am fulfilled and can provide her […]
Inspiring Self-love And Respect To Children
I have been thinking about loving and respecting oneself and others for a long time. But especially this week, since I have seen how forgetting to love yourself can be devastating. As children, we are taught to respect others, to be polite, love our friends and family. This is important for sure, but how about […]
An Open Letter To My Unborn Daughter
Dear Peanut, (it’s the name we used before you received your official name). I wanted to write this letter so you know how much your dad and I want the best for you. We have been researching so much on alternative educational systems and working hard to understand the best way to raise you. You […]
Why Teaching Empathy To Kids Matters

What is Empathy you might ask? Empathy is when you put yourself in someone else’s shoes. You try to identify with their feelings, to better understand them. It’s important to teach empathy because it helps us relate to other humans. If you understand someone else’s perspective, you can grow stronger relationships with them. But how […]